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Our big Afternoon Tea

Every Saturday, from the middle of January until a week before midsummer you can enjoy our beautiful afternoon tea. (The last afternoon tea will be served Saturday June 10th). After a short break during the summer, we will begin again the first Saturday in September until the middle of November. As a guest you should always pre-book a table if you wish to enjoy our afternoon tea, unless it is already included in your hotel package.

It is not unusual for our afternoon tea sessions to be fully booked. Make sure to book a table ahead of time by calling us at +4616 – 42 84 00.

Serving times for afternoon tea:
Start 13.00 (1 pm) and close at 14.30 (2.30 pm).

Special opening times during Good Friday (långfredagen) and Easter Saturday (påskafton):
Start 14.00 (2 pm) and close at 15.30 (3.30 pm). Note that we also offer afternoon tea during Walpurgis night (Valborgsmässoafton) Sunday April 30th starting at 14.00 (2 pm) and close at 15.30 (3.30 pm).

For availability and prices, please contact us or click here to view our Swedish page.

Note that the restaurant is cashless.

Champagne, sparkling wine or non-alcoholic cider can be ordered on site.

State any food allergies or special diets at the time of the booking.

Utskrivbar pdf (currently only in swedish)

See our afternoon tea film by clicking here

Please note that the selection is not as large for people with allergies. Vegans, gluten, lactose-intolerant, milk protein, egg-allergics and diabetics will receive their own separate plate with canapeer, allergy-friendly bread and at least three sweets. The content may vary depending on the type of allergy you have, there may also be traces of the allergenic substances. If you are allergic to nuts you will be able to eat most of what the buffet has to offer, however don’t hesitate to ask the waitress if you are unsure.

Note that the pictures below were taken on several different occasions. All pastries are therefore not available every time but vary.