Biking Package
Explore nature on a bike In 2019 a new bike path...
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By booking this package you will be able to experience Sundbyholm from the water. Paddle along the long sandy shoreline and enjoy a drink at the award-winning marina.
We have 6 Osagian canoe in 100% aluminum, each with two seats for adults. This means that a maximum of 6 double rooms or junior suites with the canoe package can be offered each day with the time of your adventure starting at 14.00 and end at 18.00. If you would rather paddle during the morning, please contact us.
You’ll be able to borrow paddles and life jackets in the reception. The canoes will be located close to a smaller bridge by the harbor.
You are going to have to help each other get into the canoes. Start with placing the canoe in the water. The first person to enter the canoe is recommended to step in while the other person is still on the bridge firmly holding the canoe. When the second person is to enter the canoe the first person, from a seated position, firmly hold the bridge. Canoes are not as unstable as kayaks but will be unstable if they’re unbalanced.
After your paddle adventures you’ll pull the canoe up on the bridge and carry it to one of the assigned locations where you will have to lock it with a wire. A canoe weighs about 35 kg. Hand in the keys to the wire together with your paddles and life jackets in the reception before 18.00.
Also included in this package is a packed smaller lunch (often consists of a sandwich, drink and some kind of coffee bread), dinner at the castle and breakfast, drinks are included during the dinner.
The package is bookable online, in addition to packages with canoe rental for adults there is also the same package for young people from the age of 13 in an extra bed in the parents room, but with non-alcoholic drinks for dinner. If you have children please call us and book extra beds with breakfast, a pre-packed smaller lunch and dinner. We can place up to two child seats in the middle of each canoe at no extra cost upon request. Children up until 9 years of age will be able to use them. If the child is older they need to use one of the seats already on the canoe, which will come with a different price. OBSERVE that there are no seatbelts to secure the child/adult in the canoe. We do not have life jackets or paddles for small children. If a smaller child is joining you, you will have to bring these with you yourself. If the child has a hard time sitting still it could cause a safety issue since canoes often become unstable in the water if unbalanced. Note that everyone in the canoe, even the children, need to be able to swim.
Canoeing is at your own risk. Everyone in the canoe has to be able to swim. We will not allow anyone on the water if its too windy or a storm is brewing. We then credit this hotel package with canoe rental with SEK 200 per paying adult and youth. Likewise, you can cancel the canoe yourself, even at the last minute, if someone in the party feels that it is too windy. We will then credit your booking with the same amount.
Click here to see a weather report.
An alternative to the canoe is our bikes, if available. We also offer helmets. Note that there are no bikes for children. Read about our bikes here (will bring you to our Swedish page).
We also offer a biking package, the rent for bikes is included in the price.
If canoeing isn’t for you, you might enjoy the harbors log rafts. These are more stable than canoes and suit all ages. However, all passengers must still know how to swim.
Read more. (will take you to our swedish page)
Check below for more information about some of our other packages. |
Experience the environment seen on TV and "Bonde söker fru"
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Move the cursor over the numbers on the map to see information about the different buildings.
Please note that there is no accommodation in the Castle, but instead a restaurant, banquet halls and a breakfast room.
Slottet från 1648 är idag restaurang, festvåning och frukostmatsal.
2.The Manor House from the 18th century has six suites, lounges and a board room
3.Hotellet har reception, 11 standard dubbelrum, 48 mindre dubbelrum, konferenslokalerna Amiralen, Kaptenen och Löjtnanten samt grupparbetsrum.
4.The harbour café offers ice cream, snacks and light meals.
5.The Coachman's Quarters from the 17th century offer two suites and one small double room.
6.The Keeper's House has two conference rooms and several break-out rooms.
7.Paviljongen innehåller åtta standard dubbelrum och konferenslokalen Lövsalen.
8.The red two-storey building is called the Wagonsmith and has 12 standard double rooms.
9.Dessa tio chaleter byggdes strax efter andra världskriget och här finns åtta juniorsviter (familjerum), 16 standard dubbelrum samt fyra spasviter med bastu och bubbelbadkar.
10.Här finns tre varma utomhus hot spa bad, som kan hyras i receptionen.